Monday, March 4, 2019

Daylight Savings Topic

Today, the EU stood up and had a vote on ending Daylight-Savings Time.

The Transport Committee settled the vote.....23 in favor of ending.....11 against.  It now moves to the general assembly.

If you went to a hundred working-class's probably 95-percent in favor of ending the 'program'.  They won't rate it in the top 100 problems, but it's one of those things that the Bundestag won't touch, and the EU could resolve.

Those in the EU really against it?  It's mostly Spain.  In the late 1930s....Franco took the position of putting Spain in the same time zone as Germany, and it's remained there ever since.  Most Spaniards would tell you that they'd go along with a end to DST, but they'd also prefer to be one hour later than Germany.

If this passes the assembly?  They'd go through the fall process....reverting back to the normal time, and then it'd all end. 

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