Friday, January 25, 2019

Budget Money Left Over

I often discuss the topic of German jobs, and job-training.  There's a piece that came up today via ARD (public TV, Channel One) which makes you ask a number of questions.

Via the Bundestag, the Linke Party asked a question that required research by the government, and the question centered on how much funding was left in the 'bucket' at the end of each year....UNSPENT.  We are talking about programs for job-training and certification, and the allocation of funding. 

So the answer?  For 2018.....roughly 1.1-billion Euro (1.3 billion US dollars). 

They started the year with around 4-billion Euro, and a quarter of the funding never got spent.

The trend line goes from 500-million Euro to a billion Euro....generally left over at the end of each year.

One of the big negatives of people over the age of thirty who get unemployed for long that they tend to have never finished their training program or gotten their certification.  So you look at this 'bucket' of funding sitting and just kinda wonder.....why couldn't they go and take 10,000 of these folks who have five-plus years of unemployment, and use the leftover funding to finally get them trained and out working.

The problem here though is that if you go to each Job-Center....literally a thousand of them around the country....each has a differing amount left, and their focus is strictly upon their little piece of the pie.  None of them are envisioning the 1.1 billion Euro just sitting there and wasting away in terms of a national problem. 

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