Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The 'Hot-Line' Idea

Sometimes, you will see German bureaucrats perform a public 'we will save you' action, which provokes comical laughs from the general public.  This afternoon, via ARD (Channel One, public TV in Germany).....we had that from the Attorney General of the nation.

Justice Minister Katarina Barley spoke to this idea.....creating a one-stop shop where you could call when you have 'data-theft' or a hack on your home computer or office internet system.

Yes, a hot-line.

Then she said....this way, citizens would know that we (the savior of all Germans, the government) would be and we'd help them.  Naturally, a German at this point would be skeptical and ask....WHAT exactly would they do?

Well....right off the bat, she wanted this hot-line NOT at the Justice Ministry, but at the the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

Then she suggested that they (the national prosecution 'arm') would go and drag these terrible hackers into a court and charge them.

Basically, fake activism would be what you get out of this idea.....if they were that stupid to fund it and create this massive hot-line.

For almost twenty years, hacking has been an issue in Germany....with nothing much happening.  Local cops will take the report, and in 99-percent of the cases....tell you what you did wrong, and basically say they (the police) can do little to nothing about this.

The folks at BSI?  You'd probably have to take the 600 employees currently there, and boost that up to around 2,000 employees.  The fact that a vast number of the hackers come from outside of Germany, and outside of the EU?  Oh not to bring up that issue.

It's always amazing to me how many times some German bureaucrats go and want to 'save' you.....and the end-effect is some comical mass expenditure of tens of millions to hundreds of millions of Euro, with nothing much to show for the effort.

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