Thursday, January 24, 2019

Diesel Car Business

So it came out today in Germany, via ARD (public TV, Channel One) that 112 pulmonary doctors have voiced the criticism about the banning of diesel cars, and how this EU law was created without sufficient research. 

Some medical doctors are voicing concern about this group and suggesting that some research has been done, and leads onto concern about health in a metropolitan atmosphere where diesel cars often operate. 

Where this is going?  More research, and probably enough of a question mark that only minor bans (like one single avenue in a city) will occur at this point.

The driving force?  Here's the issue....this level that the EU used in this law, from their episode a decade ago to enforce 'clean' air upon Europe....might not have been concluded with absolute evidence, and some folks might have overreacted in creating this clean-air agenda.  Adding to it....if cigarette smoking and regular exercise figure into would you handle health concerns after you dismiss diesel cars?  Would you go and ban all cigarette smoking in cities or towns?  Would you mandate one-miles walks everyday? 

In some ways, this reaction is opening up a can of worms.  Presently, I would suggest that entire cities going full-throttle to ban diesel cars in 2019.....probably won't occur, and judges will demand someone (obviously in the Bundestag) go and create a new research project (likely to take at least two years to complete). 

Yeah, it's a mess. 

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