Monday, January 14, 2019

Explaining Dexit

Dexit is kinda like BREXIT (the UK to leave the EU), but in this's the suggestion that Germany would leave the EU.  Most Germans (probably 90-percent or more) would laugh.

Over the weekend, there was a AfD Party meeting, and the Dexit idea came up.  The AfD folks have a list of things they want the the EU to resolve or repair.  They put a strong suggestion on the table that they think the EU could fix these things, but if in five attempt has been made, then the AfD Party believes an exit is then required. 

Getting back to the Deutsche Mark?  Well, that's on the list as well.  If you remember the original intent of the AfD Party.....they wanted the Euro dumped and the Mark brought back.

The odds that the EU will repair itself?  There's an election coming up in May of this year, and there is some belief that various right-wing parties will come to find representation in the EU.  No one is suggesting a majority, or even a one-third balance....but they will exist.  It's for a five-year period.

Part of the frustration over the EU in the past decade is the fact that they'd suddenly come out and note they were voting on something, and the news media had no idea this legislation existed.  If the news media knew of the legislation.....they quietly kept it underwraps.  People woke up to read that the EU voted on this idea, which people felt was stupid, but it was too late to undo the perception. 

The added problem is that the EU did bring about a massive amount of positive changes that were demanded back in the 1970s, and resolved various problems.  So there is some tendency among people to voice support on keeping the EU as a functional state.  Dexit, I think....will simply be openly discussed but not go anywhere. 

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