Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Medical Marijuana in Germany

It's not front-page news and I doubt if more than a quarter of German society is aware of the path being 'blazed'.  Toward the end of 2020, if legal matters and production schedules stay on schedule....legal medical-cannabis (marijuana) production will start up in Germany. 

I sat and watched a piece off N-TV this morning which talked about the upcoming event.

Right now, the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is reviewing the contract bid's (79 folks asking for the license procedure)....to produce 23,000 pounds of cannabis.....over four years.

Naturally, there is a list of diseases which you have to qualify for.....to be given the doctor's slip to purchase via a system (yet to be defined).  The current bid deal will be split up into 13 groups, to ensure no loss or failure, and no possible 'giant' coming out to produce the entire 'lot'.

Likelihood that this program will expand?  No one says much and I suspect they just want to get to the first step and have a national program implemented before suggesting that a 'open' program could exist.  The odds that the 23,000 pounds for four years won't be enough?  No one has really said how they arrived at this four-year schedule or the 23,000 pound limit.....which you might go and suggest it was just a wild guess/estimate.  Cost level?  Again, another unknown.

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