Monday, January 28, 2019

Last Night's Anne Will Show

Last night (Sunday evening), ARD (the public TV network in Germany, Channel One) ran the public discussion forum 'Anne Will Show'.  The topic?  The recent new hype that the diesel particle woes might not be scientifically proven.

For almost two years, Germans have gotten a fairly hard-driven storyline that the VW cheated on the fumes test.....that the air quality in metropolitan cities is in violation of EU standards/laws.....and that a forbidden situation was going to occur with diesel cars.  Then about a month ago....some lung doctors stood up and basically said.....well....there are no reliable studies to prove the EU law is correct.  In fact, the lung doctors said that the conducted studies would only be correct if you took into consideration almost zero exercise, and cigarette smoking was continuing on a level pace. 

So the team at Anne Will invited distinguished guests to come on and talk over the subject.  You can view the episode at this site.  The hour-long show is interesting to watch if you have a curiosity over the whole diesel 'crisis'.

My take is that if people sit and watch the show.....they will agree that nothing on the science of the law has really been done to the degree required to ban diesel cars. 

For environmentalists.....they felt this was pretty much a guaranteed thing up until the pulmonologists came out with their statement. 

I would suggest that this is driving Germans to a level of frustration.  All this hype from two years of effort by the politicians and have some 'light' suddenly come on and reveal that the facts are slanted to some degree.  It just burns away 'trust' that people have in the government. 

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