Wednesday, April 17, 2019


If you've been around Germany the past two months, you'd probably heard of the sixteen-year-old environmentalist activist Greta Thunberg, from Sweden, and her merry band of youth activists with their "Fridays for the Future" routine.

The Friday gimmick is where kids in schools (not just in Germany, but across most of Europe) pack up their books on Friday at noon, and go on a protest march (even though school would typically go on for another 90 minutes minimum).  Yes, basically kids on strike.  All of this to emphasize climate change and the need for action.

So I noticed this morning in the news that she gave a speech to the EU's Environment Committee.  Her chat?  They need to hype climate business in the May EU election.  Then she got on their case that they aren't prioritizing correctly.

The big quote?  "You have to listen to us, to those who can't vote."

At some point, she then got onto the poor political folks that they had wrongly prioritized things, and held several big EU summits to iron-out BREXIT, but done nothing at the same time for climate control.

A fair number of people will point out that the EU environmental 'pushers' are mostly talkers and rarely go to some extreme to dictate massive changes....knowing that the bulk of EU representatives won't go along with drastic changes.  So here the environmentalists sitting in the EU had sit and listen to some sixteen-year-old 'kid' jab at them.

The slam on prioritizing BREXIT talks?  Again, I point out what I did several weeks ago, that Asperger 'leadership' are often one-sided and one-focus type characters, and mostly unable to comprehend outside problems or influences.  The fact that BREXIT might have a disastrous economic hardship for hundreds of thousands of people across Europe (not just the UK) has not been reviewed by Thunberg or her crowd.   The fact that an extreme negative BREXIT could be the door to an entire decade of economic woes....has yet to dawn upon Thunberg or her crowd.

More to come?  Oh, I'd bet on it.  Greta-hype is just getting started. 

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