Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Germany and 'Weapons'

I had to go over to the customs office (tax office) this week, and they had a new poster up....on illegal weapons.

If the cops pull you over and ask to view your car, or you are downtown in a 'protected' zone, with them asking to frisk you or check your bag....these weapons will get you into trouble.

So here is the amusing thing.  After looking over the list....I have six of these, which sit within my house.

The baseball bat (two of them), the Swiss Army knife, the Gerber knife, the tear-gas container, etc.

The amusing thing is that 30 years ago....other than switchblades....that was probably the only weapon that cops had rules about and enforced. 

Lately?  There's not a single day in Wiesbaden where you don't have some report of a threat being made with one of these weapons.  The pistols at the bottom?  These are the BB-type or the pellet-type....just as illegal.  Those get reported in local crimes several times a week.  The sad thing is that one day....a cop will walk into the scene....draw his gun, and shoot the stupid kid with the BB-pistol. 

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