Saturday, July 6, 2019

Property Seizure Chatter

The new German Minister of Justice (SPD Party).....Christine Lambrecht....did a speech yesterday where she said that seizure (meaning government takeover) of privately-owned apartment buildings in the major cities....could be done under certain legal conditions.

She was careful about this statement.

There's probably around ten to twelve major cities (Berlin is one of them) discussing the idea of taking over private property, resetting rental system, and letting the city run the apartment 'empire'.  The problem with this idea?'d have to go into a court, and offer compensation (after the fact) . 

Where would the compensation come from?  Well....a tax burden, upon all folks (even those who won't be living in the apartments).

Cost?  Just in Berlin....if they went to the publicly talked about'd go past ten-billion Euro. 

Would it bring the downfall of both the CDU and SPD to support this?  You'd basically be talking about every single working German having to contribute to some tax cover tens of billions for the major urban areas.  It's hard to see the public just blinking and saying 'sure'.....they'd like to pay for something like this, and not get anything themselves from it.

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