Sunday, July 28, 2019

'Gift' Story

This morning, I opened up the German Sunday news, and there's this three-line story there....over the Linke-Party chief...Bernd Riexinger.

Riexinger is proposing this 'gift-program' reward any German city or town with a financial grant of some type....if they just go and accept refugees.

Amount?  That was left out of the story. 

The general belief (at least with Riexinger)....if there was money involved, a whole bunch of cities and towns would jump up and accept a significant number of immigrants. 

Odds of this passing?  With the current CDU-SPD coalition government under Merkel?  Zero percent chance.  To be honest, you'd have to go and talk about 10,000 Euro per person (in my humble opinion) before most communities would go and opt for this kind of deal.  Course, this is probably a one-time only 'gift' if it did come to exist. 

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