Sunday, July 28, 2019

Pool Story Updated

A day ago, I noted this chaos story at  the Dusseldorfer Rheinbad....a pool complex....where the cops were called and a group of fifty-to-sixty young men of a migration sort weren't complying with the pool management.

Well....things were updated today.  New rule: you can't enter the pool complex without showing an ID. 

In the background, an investigation has started up....there's a charge against at least one person for insulting a police officer, which gets you potential jail-time if convicted. 

In general, there's a fair amount of money in German communities which is pushed into the public pool business, and it's probably one of the more positive ways that that state money is invested, with public support behind pools.  You can find numerous pools which attract hundreds to several thousand....operating around the country. 

If you look at operations, most of their problems revolved around profitability and pool safety.  So having some 'punks' walk into the middle of an operation, and require police to bring 'peace' a bit unusual. 

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