Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Wind Power and Germany

There's a great piece over at Watts Up With That today.....that discusses Germany and wind power. All in English and worth a 10-minute read. 

Statistics have come in over the first half of the 2019 year of wind power construction, and it's likely to worry a number of people.  It's a massive downturn on wind power construction.

Chief reasons laid out?  It comes down to two reasons.  First, the wind power subsidy deal has a 20-year limit and it's approaching the end.  Second, there are more and more communities which are standing up and fighting the construction of the wind power generators.

A big deal?  If this trend were to continue over the next five to ten years.....there's zero chance that Germany would be able to generate all the power required, since they intend to shut down the nuke-power stations and a significant number of the coal-power stations. 

What may come out of this?  Germans end up buying power from neighbors.....at hefty prices.  Who to blame?  That would be a curious question to ask. 

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