Sunday, January 3, 2021

Driving Story

 Part of the new year law change coming into effect (in 2021), revolves around the stick-shift testing process for your German license.

Prior to 2021, there was a 'practical-test' for automatic cars and gear-shift cars.  The general gut-action of most German men, has always been to go toward gear-shift situations, and it's mostly divided between women between the two options (at least I'm always told this but I doubt statistics really exist).

Going forward now (in 2021), the rule will be if you pass the automatic test, you get the stick-shift 'approval' with just some extra training (via your instructor) and a brief bit of on-the-road situations.  More cost?  Well....of course.  Any more tests?  NO.

Why this path?

Well....with the E-cars coming....they will all be automatic.  Stick-shifts are basically coming to an end over the next twenty-odd years.

My belief in this path?  Somewhere out there....with Audi or BMW, I suspect some engineer is working on an E-car transmission that has a 'fake' clutch and 'fake-stick'?  I suspect that they will rig up a automatic transmission with that feel, and then offer you the fake clutch/shift for 2,000 extra Euro (as an option).  

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