Monday, January 11, 2021

Those Damn Masks

 If you bring up mask-activity around particular comment will come up about people who are using the simple paper-type mask, and use them over and over.  A German guy might look over the mask and say that one-hour walk of the grocery store didn't really 'age' it in anyway, then store it for twenty more uses over the next month. SWR news (public TV, Pfalz/B-W regions)....they sat down with the Mainz University folks and talked over a recent study.  What they say....there are minor health risks in re-using the paper masks.  They were built and marketed....for one-time use.

The chat?  Fibers off the paper-mask get into the airways.  You are creating minor issues for your respiratory tract.

Will this worry convince folks to go to a one-day only use for the paper-masks?  I kinda doubt it.  

Somewhere down the line, I expect some new lung disease to pop up and be named 'paper-mask-syndrome', and you need some kind of vacuum treatment to 'cure' your issue.  

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