Thursday, March 31, 2022

Chatter on German Speed Limits?

 What one can say.....most all Germans thought the speed limit 'talk' was ended as the coalition government concluded it's initial stage.  But now, with energy problems on the horizon....the chatter has started up again.

What it centers on?  Four components:

1.  Temp stage of 100 kilometers per hour on autobahns.

2.  Temp stage of 80 kilometers per hour on state roads.

3.  Temp stage of 30 kilometers per hour on all urban streets.

4.  Temp stage one Sunday per month for a 'no-drive' situation.

All of some fashion, would lead to less fuel being consumed (in the minds of the environmentalists).

Odds of this happening?  Two months chance.  Presently?  I'd say it's a fifty-percent chance on the autobahn temp stance, and the one Sunday a month no-drive situation.  

How long would 'temp' be interpreted?  My humble guess is ninety days, and a possible renewal at the end of that.  

A lot of grumbling to occur?  Yes, with probably half the nation fairly bitter over the idea.  The new Kaabo Wolf King E-scooter able to get up to 95 kilometers per hour?  I would suggest a lot of the E-scooter crowd will laugh over the speed limits in urbanized areas.

This trend might be around for three years, until you get close to the national 2025 election period, and the SPD reverts back to secure votes.  

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