Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Just Questions To Ask

 1.  This whole conscript problem that Putin has.....what makes it so aggravating?

The draft idea is that you go and take Russian guys....18 to 27 years old, and put them through some boot-camp and they emerge as solders.  

I would suggest that various waivers exist, and that the quality guys move onto college or technical occupations, and most of what Putin got out of the conscripts were the 'losers'.  Boot-camp marginally helped, and when put under intense situations....the conscripts folded up and retreated.  

Their value?  Well....if you lost 1,500 folks a day either 'killed-in-action', wounded, or just disappeared/captured....you were in a harsh situation by day ten.

2.  What's China's real strategy now?

Basically to cultivate a weak Russian client/customer, and make them pay 200-percent for each transaction.

3.  Will the Moscow stock market ever open in 2022?

I would not be that optimistic.  If you did open in September (as they suggest)....stock prices would drop by 50-percent just on the opening hour.  

4.  Will any of the mega Russian owned yachts ever re-sell?

I can't think of any idiot who'd want to purchase this and then deal with revenge tactics of the Oligarch folks.  Most of the yachts will just sit there....for years.

5.  Did the US TV show....the 'View' actually suggest that the Dept of Justice should investigate Fox's Tucker Carlson?  

Well....yeah.  They say he's passing out too much propaganda about the war.  Course, the View folks are experts at propaganda.

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