Monday, March 28, 2022

Using The NAZI BS On Putin

 Over the weekend, I had this idea.

Since this entire invasion in the Ukraine is about evil NAZIs who've infiltrated the government and the Russians are trying to 'liberate' the Ukraine....why couldn't someone start a BS-rumor that the NAZIs had a worldwide agenda, left the Ukraine, and had moved into various circles of Moscow?

You know....NAZIs infiltrating the Oligarch community, the Kremlin-circles, the Russian military, and Putin's FSB (former KGB) itself.

You'd hand the rumor to CNN, BBC, and various Russian news groups.

With the public already in mass-belief of Putin's story of the evil NAZIs in the wouldn't take more than a week of talking over this in Russia to have most Russians believing that they've been infiltrated as well.

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