Wednesday, March 22, 2023

A Potential New Election? Really?

 In recent weeks, you can view a number of examples where the current SPD-led coalition (with the Greens and FDP) are in serious disagreement.  

Headlining today via BILD?  There was an interview last night on ARD (public TV, Channel 1) where the Habeck (Vice-Chancellor, and Green Party member) got pretty dramatic and suggested that the participation of the Greens is reaching a breaking point.

What happens if the coalition falls apart?  Basically, the SPD would be given 1 chance to talk to the CDU (second place winner of the past election in 2021) and see if a coalition can be formed with them.

If not?  Well....we go to a new election in 60-odd days.  

How things are polling now?  The CDU would easily win with about 30-to-32 percent of the vote.  The SPD would be in the 20-to-22 percent area.  The Greens would pull 16-to-18 percent.  The Linke Party folks might not even each 5-percent....meaning no seats in the Bundestag.  The FDP is near 5-to-7 percent.  And the AfD is near 15-to-17 percent.

Frankly, I just can't see anyone in the Green Party thrilled with walking away and creating a new election.  

Added to this dynamic....there's talk of the 'Last Generation' activists forming a political party and possibly taking some percent of the Green votes.  

All of this leading to constant problems which didn't exist in the fall of 2021, and that no agreement existed for such problems?  That's really 90-percent of what people are openly discussing now.  

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