Tuesday, March 21, 2023


 I sat through and read a long piece on Twitter today...commenting about tipping in the US.  Someone was whining over their waiter job....tending to six people at the table for five-hour period, and the final bill was around $700, and they were only given $70 as a tip.  They qualified the place as a 'nice' place.

I contemplated the typical German higher-than-average restaurant, and where you'd pay around 80 Euro for two people, and the tip was in the 5 Euro range (5 to 10 percent in Germany is average and accepted).

Upper range place where you might be paying 300 Euro for two?  Yeah....30 Euro would be the general max for a tip.

I have to qualify the German situation....because pubs, cafes and restaurants have to pay minimum of minimum wage, and these days (after Covid's era).....most are paying at least 2 Euro over minimum wage because of the shortage of waiters/waitresses.  In the US, it'd be different.

If I tried to tip at the 10-percent or up around the 15-percent level?  My German wife would go nuts....give me a look at the table and then take over paying the bill herself.  Later, I'd get the lecture about tipping.  

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