Thursday, March 30, 2023

TV Viewing

 Last night (Wed), I got a 45-minute 'dose' of high-intensity climate change and agricultural reform via my regional HR network.   You can review the episode here.

What I'll say is the end of the show, one would come to three rational conclusions:

1.  Butter, eggs, milk, meat, fruit and vegetables are all set to rise in a significant amount over the next decade....without even considering general inflation.  I would imagine meat probably double what it is today by 2033.  Eggs?  Probably tripling in price.  Chief cause? More significant regulations put upon the farms and general public.  

2.  As these prices escalate, and Germans tend to figure out that food beyond the border (like in France, Poland, Czech, or Austria) is less regulated, and thus less costly....bulk shopping/purchasing will begin to occur, with lesser German agricultural products bought.  

At some point over the next decade, German farmers will just be don't need to produce as much, because the market isn't there.  Politicians will be stuck with a statement that makes no sense....unless you admit regulations drove consumers away.

3.  Finally, whether the enthusiasts of the effort or the politicians grasp this or not....I would suggest the majority of Germans will be eating/consuming non-German produced food within a decade....simply for pricing reasons.  

If I were Poland or Czech....I'd be awful happy to get this help and appreciate everything the system delivers to my front door step.  

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