Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Mainz Station

 I ended up yesterday over at the Mainz Bahnhof (railway station)....waiting for the Wiesbaden train.

I'm one of those people who spend time looking at the architecture, design and looks of railway stations.  

The Mainz station is probably over 120 years old, but has undergone a couple of renovations....making it seem pretty modern.  

But as I looked at certain things.....you can see a good bit of decay.  From the first picture?  That's a stairway where if you gaze at the concrete attached to the steel.....it's in rapid decay.  I won't call it dangerous but if you asked me on safety values....I wouldn't give it a passing grade.

From the second picture?  That's a building that's next to the station....which is ready to fall  down.  The support beams?  Those have been there for seven years....with nothing done. 


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