Tuesday, March 14, 2023


 1.  If the UK Parliament abolished the BBC tax mandate....meaning you were offered the chance to pay and receive the BBC 'signal', or you could avoid it....how many would dump the BBC?

Last year (2022), I noted that 2-million homes in the UK said bluntly....they didn't watch a single hour of the BBC.  Around early 2020, I even noted that a poll had been done and around sixty-percent of the public said the tax was 'crap' and they wanted it disposed of.  

Could the BBC survive with just one-third of the public supporting and receiving it?  Only if you led commercials into the midst of this.  

It's a curious problem to develop.   

2.  What exactly is this German education 'summit' going on?

The federal folks have gotten a lot of grief over how crappy the educational system has developed into.

What the states and schools agree on....there's not enough money to really resolve the problems.  The fed folks?  Well....they sat there for years....short-changing the German military, and pumping up social programs....to the point where they don't have the cash to really pursue improving the school system.

I would imagine most of this talk is a discussion on how to do things better.....lessening dependence on cash flow.

3.  Just how tough is the German gun law?

By the time you pursue the four key points of getting a German gun license....you've had to prove a number of things....mostly all leaning toward competency and reliability.  If you used the same 'drill' for getting a driver's license.....you'd probably see half the drivers in Germany without a license.  

The only thing that probably could be added, which makes marginal sense.....once the local police station gets a suggestive report that you might not be trusted....then your license is suspended for 30 days and your weapons hauled off to a storage spot....while some judge steps in to determine that you are trustworthily, or not.  

4.  This idea of nationalizing the postal system of Germany, rather than contracting it out to Swiss Post?

Well....we are moving to a point where parcel and letter rates are going to be awful damn high.  Some German gov't folks believe the only way to resolve this....is through nationalizing them back under the umbrella.

I would probably suggest the best way....is to evolve the current mail situation into a central box in your neighborhood....where you walk a kilometer or so....to a central building next to the street, and you pick your mail up there.  You could eventually cut half your manpower in doing so.  

5.  Will the Linke Party still exist in 2030?

I'm of the belief that this far-left party is dissolving fairly quickly, and in the 2025 national election....they will get only between 3 and 4 percent of the vote.  

At the same time....in two to three eastern German states....they might still be able to pull 10-to-15 percent of the regional vote. 

Their chief problem? A lot of their promises and chatter....sounded like SPD or Green chatter.  

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