Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Four German News Stories

 1.  Last night, via ZDF (public TV, Channel 2), the Markus Lanz talk-show ran.  It's typically late, and I don't watch it.  After viewing commentary this morning....I went back to the media library and watched one part of it.

So the topic was the Green Party mandate on heat pumps, and the guest was Anton Hofreiter.  Hofreiter, I would describe as a fairly competent Green Party guy, and would give plus-points on debate skills.

However, this subject is hard to defend.

The key thing that Lanz went to....cost.  So, the heat pump idea revolves around 3 simple facts:

First, cost in general is figured at 30,000 to 40,000 Euro per house.  Nobody really debates that part of the story.  I'll admit for the typical middle-class's a fair amount of money.

Second, the government (mostly the Greens) say that they will help the consumer, hand them a discount or subsidy.....bringing the cost down to 25,000.  So if you think about it....they are going to crank up tax efforts to find 5,000 to 15,000 Euro.  That comes from the consumer....if you haven't grasped that angle.

Third, then they invented a number out of thin-air....saying only that 65-percent of homes need to meet this in the future.  Why 65?  I've yet to see a clear science or cost reason given to this.  If your home is more than sixty years old....the odds of the heat pump being a possible 'fix'....I'd suggest it probably isn't that wise.  

I guess I should add this....the heat pump consumes electrical power, so having a massive number of pumps installed...means power consumption across German will rise.  I haven't heard of the amount....but I would question where the power will come from.  

Anyway....this discussion on the Lanz talk-show didn't go well, and Hofreiter got pretty aggravated by the end.

2.  Next story is rather was brought up by Focus....the guys who install heat pumps no long answer phones.  Their schedules are full (for months) even if you had interest in a heat might be a full year before they get around to you.

3. WELT published a piece this AM....suggesting the hope of the 'Last Generation' activists to become a political party....has an element of criminal behavior.  A bit on strong language but they have a point.

4.  Finally, apparently the Credit Suiss people (the failed Swiss bank) handed out bonusses to employees and this has gotten into public news.  Lot of negativity.  It would appear the bonuses are now frozen until they can figure out another angle to this.

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