Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Consequences Story

 I noticed last night a unique project that ARD (public TV, Channel One) had picked up and was going to use for a period of time.

The general subject?  Consequences.

Just because something gets picked up as a political topic and hyped by various media sources and political parties....doesn't really mean things improve.

Some examples of what they are going to cover?  What if you really clamped down big-time on German-produced weapon sales?  

Another example?  What if you went to a culture where cash was not used and you 'carded' everything?

They aren't talking about a bunch of these....only one per week here in the beginning.

Personally, for well over thirty years, consequences has been a major part of my thought process.  I think about it in terms of finances, maintenance, and pay-back.  I think about consequences relative to vacations, long-term investment, and my general voting practices.

Will this put political parties in Germany in a difficult position?  To some degree, yes.

An example....the Linke Party often hypes up the idea of free transportation for buses/trains.  When I say 'free'.....it means that you don't pay for the ticket.  So the consequence here, if you thought about it......who exactly is paying?  Well....it'd come out of your taxes....meaning you'd pay around 500 to 800 Euro more each year in your income taxes.  The fact that you might not ever use such transportation (using your personal car or motorcycle)?  It's just another consequence.

It might be a curious trend.  

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