Friday, February 12, 2021

Mental Health Chatter

 Over the past month, there's not been a single evening news piece (via public TV Channel One or Channel Two) in Germany....where some moment was not discussed over physiological issues, counseling, or depression increasing. 

Lately, it's been more chatter about German school kids who now have issues.

In the last couple of days....more chatter about folks with addictions (meaning alcoholism) and that boredom is now a national crisis issue.

Most Germans (I would suggest 90-percent or more) had a routine before Covid ever came groups, Tuesday-night cards at the local pub, a sports club (bowling, tennis, etc), or some weeknight where twenty folks gathered at the local pub to watch soccer....that helped them socialize and feel 'alive'.

Since early November...that has been totally trashed-up.

Where this is leading to?  At some point by late summer, I expect around a half-million Germans to actively be seeking some kind of counseling or group-sessions....admitting that they are frustrated over Covid-19 ban rules, the lifestyle demanded, and the path ahead.  You might even have mandatory group sessions rigged up for school kids (fun-days or group-chat sessions)....just to step up to the crisis business.  

Even before Covid-19 came along, Germany was noted for mental disorders.  You can go and read a basic description here.

Germans with phobias?  It's near 12-percent of the population.  Germans with anxiety issues?  It's near 15-percent of the population.  

Three years ago, roughly 17-percent of German students were figured to have some type of mental health issue (long before Covid came along).

By the end of 2021, I expect some national crisis crew to come out and this ends up as a top ten issue.....getting Germans into therapy groups and trying to resolve frustrations.  

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