Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Merkel 'Chatter'

 Focus columnist Jan Fleischhauer wrote a piece for today (Saturday) that is more of a personal view than actual news.

His commentary?  For roughly four days now....the Chancellor has made herself available to various news networks and been questioned at length over the Covid-19 business, the vaccinations, and the view of the future.  

His view of the Merkel chatter?  He writes: "Imagine you signed a new contract of employment. At the end of the first month, a look at the account: The salary is missing. You ask in the payroll department. Sorry, they say, but take a look at your employment contract. You look. There it says: We will try to pay Mr / Ms Ypsilon a gross salary of 4,300 euros. You had overlooked that. You call the payroll department again. We tried hard, they explain to you. Unfortunately, we haven't been as successful in paying salaries this month as we'd planned. We hope it looks better next month."

Would this have worked better under a Chancellor like Schmidt or Kohl?  That question hasn't really been asked, but it's probably the more appropriate view of the past year.

The thing about Schmidt or Kohl.....both had a fair amount of time as mayors or Premier-Presidents.  Merkel didn't have that route.

Both Schmidt and Kohl had the expertise to view accomplishments and failures, and both knew how to fire people when the situation called for it.  Merkel hasn't really faced that type of management situation.

The appearances of the last couple of days on TV?  It's to say if it restored confidence in the government, or just convinced people that this September election can't come soon enough.

As for the vaccination business improving over the next month or two?  My humble view is that we are marginally into first phase...2.98-million Germans have been vaccinated at this point.  You'd have to wait until June to really feel an improved situation.  

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