Saturday, February 20, 2021

E-Bus Situation

 Around three weeks local town (Wiesbaden)....took possession of 21 new battery-powered buses (from the Mercedes people).  Things were kinda exciting there for about a week.  The buses got quickly charged up and put on various internal routes within the city. announcement came out....the 21 buses are on stand-by now.

There's some type of recall underway, and the bus folks are asking for your understanding on the frequency of routes.  

The issue?  They avoid discussions over that in public.  

The fact that we had pretty harsh weather throughout the first three weeks of February? one brings up that subject.  

Around two years ago....a couple of new buses (E-bus type) were delivered to Trier.....around February as well.  Those buses discovered that as you ran max heat onboard the discharged the batteries at a pretty quick rate.  They went through a down-period like this, and little was said after that. I'm just guessing that using max heat on these buses here.....fits into the same profile.  

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