Thursday, February 11, 2021

Wahl-O-Mat Up for Baden-Wurttemberg

 The Wahl-O-Mat is a list of thirty-odd questions from a particular German state facing state election.  It drives you to a conclusion....which suggests which party you might want to vote for....based entirely upon positions by twenty-odd parties in the state election.

So these are the positions:

- Should kids get a Tab or laptop, free of charge, for school?  (they are careful not to disclose what the cost factor would be)

- Should the state outlaw gas/diesel engines from 2035 on? 

- Should the rent-brake be dumped in B-W? (it limits what you can do with rent each year, in terms of going up)

- There should be more public hospitals (avoiding to say how much would be spent).

- Should the police in B-W be allowed to use body cams?

- Should the minimum of five percent of the vote for state elections be used to get representation in the state assembly?

- Should the state establish a max speed limit?  (suggesting that they'd say 130 kph is the max on autobahns)

- Should welfare folks continue to get benefits, if they turn down a job? (in some ways, they suggest that if welfare is 'x', then the job offer of 'x' plus 1-Euro....would mean you'd have to accept the job).  

- Should wind generators continue to be built outside of the 1 km zone from villages or urban areas? (I should note here, a fair number of folks would prefer two and even three kilometers to be the minimum of distance)

- Should there be a female quota for state-owned operations? (no one really says what happens if the quota can't be met)

- Should religious instruction in state schools be abolished?  (they are referring to marginal classes which explain the differences between various religions)

- Should the voluntary reserve police be kept in B-W? (these are mostly retired police who might be called upon when manpower is necessary)

- Within the state, should all public transportation be free?  (buses, trams, trains, etc.....course your reaction would be....who exactly will pay, and the answer is you, via taxation)

- Should there be more community schools in B-W?  (they don't spell out the cost factor)

- Should refugees assigned to B-W....who travel back to their home-country for a dumped in terms of status?  (oddly, those goes on a fair bit for Syrians and Iraqis, less so for most other groups).  I should note that once you reach your visa process, no one really cares what you do.  

- Should companies who don't train apprentice forced to pay a fee or tax because of this situation? (a lot of these companies are fairly small, so it doesn't make sense to 'punish' them)

- For the future, B-W should ONLY promote bio-farming/products?  (thus leaving out non-bio products.  Fairly stupid, I will admit)

- Parents who stay home and take care of their kids....should be compensated by the government.  (the idea is that there mothers with five to ten kids, and paying them some type of pay is a plus-up for the government, but they aren't saying how much they'd pay)

- When planning transportation infrastructure, rail will be the top priority over roads in B-W.  (would create a chaotic future for rural towns/village)

- For B-W immigrants, German language classes would be 'free'.  

- In B-W, there would be a Ministry for Digitalization.  (currently there is none)

- In B-W, small amounts of weed would still get you jail-time.  (the suggestion is to dump prosecution entirely for weed)

- In B-W, lunch for school kids would be free.  (no one is saying what exactly would be lunch, or if it's crap which kids wouldn't eat anyway)

- Should elections in B-W, reflect the federal standard of two votes per person (one for Chancellor, and one for the party)?  Currently, the state vote is one only.

- Should buildings in the state be mandated in the future for solar panels? (cost factor is never discussed, and marginalization isn't mentioned....meaning if you just had one single panel on the building, you'd meet the code)

- When switching to a school, the advice of the primary teacher should be respected (meaning if they felt you were severely limited in capability, you'd only go to a lesser school)

- Should 'lateral-thinking' folks (like AfD members) still be watched via the state investigation folks?  (the fear of these folks developing along lines of 1932 is what drives this)

- Should the state dump all tuition costs for international students? (they are careful to avoid saying how many attend, and how much the state makes)

- Should the state mandate a review of every single future see if it's climate-friendly? (they avoid saying who would be on this committee)

- Should the police continue doing ID-checks at random?  (suggesting that they are doing too many)

- The state should work to make home-office more open to the residents of the state.  (they avoid saying how)

- Should schools for disabled kids continue 'as-is' within the state?

- Creation of a one-time wealth tax because of Covid-19, to source more money for B-W.  (they say one-time only, but you wonder about this)

- The state is to continue recruiting nurses from beyond the German border.  (to be honest, this is a big trend across Germany and will continue for the decade ahead)

- B-W should work to bring 5G communications in as soon as possible.

- The voting age for B-W future state elections should go down to 16 years old.

- B-W should have a process of video cameras in all slaughter houses, to ensure slaughtering takes place in a proper way.  (don't ask me who would me monitor the video, you'd probably have to hire dozens of state employees)

- The state of B-W should work to eliminate all inside-of-Germany flights (meaning flights to Hamburg or Berlin would be cut out).  

I took the test in five minutes and will admit....I probably voted for some awful weird stuff that I never thought much about (slaughter house cameras for example).  

The least likely party that I'd match up with?   The Greens.  

If you wanted to take the test for B-W?  Go to this site and select B-W.  

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