Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Political Chatter

 There was a short political note yesterday from the CDU-CSU folks (Merkel's crowd) on a suggested idea for the campaign.

The deal?  They suggest to write a law that says all hookers in Germany (remember, prostitution is legal) must be 21 or older.  Currently, 18 is the accepted age, or older.  

A top 100-priority with Germans?  I suspect if you lined up a thousand and asked them.....fewer than five would say it's marginally important to draft a law over.  

The fact that we are in shut-down period for prostitution anyway in Germany?  It kinda went by the political folks, I suggest.

Why age 21?  No one could clearly make a case on the age business.  They could have said 23, or 27, or even 31.  

If you go this far....why not write the law that customers have to be 21 or over as well?

Entering into the public forum chatter?  No one suggested that yet, but as folks are mostly tired of Covid-19 chatter....maybe hookers would make for an interesting hour-long forum situation.

Maybe these political folks could also draft up a 'retire-or-resign' law, that hooking has to be wrapped up by age forty, with some kind of pension deal.  

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