Friday, February 12, 2021

The Next Covid-19 Worry?

 About two months ago, the hype for Covid-19 went up a couple of notches with the announcement of the newly discovered 'British-mutation' (thus violating the naming convention, and begging the question why the Wuhan-virus couldn't be uttered) and the 'South African-mutation'.  

Germans flipped out....started the new ban rule on the masks.....throwing out cloth masks/cheapo paper-masks altogether and forcing everyone to rush out and buy these more expensive new FFP-2 masks.  Along the way, various new ban rules got tossed around.

Well....I noticed this morning the N-TV news....where the 'Manus-mutation' is now openly discussed (from Brazil).  

The 'British-mutation' or 'South African-mutation'?  They were considered twice as deadly as the old plain regular Covid-19.

This 'Manus-mutation'?  It's considered THREE times as dangerous.

Will this freak Germans out even more?  Hard to say.  I suspect almost a third of German society is pretty much finished on obeying ban rules, and have reached a level of serious depression.  They even now discuss openly via forums about school kids who need some counseling because of the current mess.  

But this also brings me to this continual trend now of mutations, and that by May/June, there's probably two to three newer mutations (the Beirut-mutation, the Hawaii-mutation, perhaps even the Mongolia-mutation).  By the end of 2021....realistically, there might be forty different mutations existing by that point.

The potential that one or two of these are going to five times more threatening or dangerous than plain old Covid-19?  You can go and speculate that some scenario will occur like this, and the ban rules will just continue on.....maybe even to the point that if you go out need to wear some disposable paper-suit in order to enter a grocery operation.  


oatka said...

South African-mutation,

Reminds me of the ending of the movie "WarGames" when all the Thermonuclear scenarios were scrolling up the screen:
NATO/Warsaw Pact,
India Pakistan War,
Hong Kong Variant,
SEATO Decapitating, etc.

There were dozens of them and one wonders if the government's "mutations" scare tactics won't grow to be as many. :-)

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I'll wait till the naming convention comes to some some mutation from west Texas, near the town of Impact, TX. Then the news folks will hype up Impact-Mutation.