Thursday, February 18, 2021

This New Self-Test German Deal

 Approval for a quick-and-simple Covid-19 self-test is approaching (probably within four weeks).

The deal? least in their initial stage.  They haven't said the way that it'll be distributed, but it'll happen via local pharmacies.  

The issue?  Well....they did testing.  Out of forty people that did have the virus....the self-test was applied and 33 showed positive....meaning 7 didn't show positive via this test.

Selling this....with a marginal results situation?  It's better than nothing....would be the response.

My humble belief is that it's the first of a dozen-odd tests to be released, and by the end of the year.....some test will arrive to be 99-percent accurate.  

As for the issuance of the tests?  You will show your passport/ID and probably be allocated one per day.  I tend to believe that two months into this....someone will package these (maybe thirty in a box) and sell it for 40 Euro.  You'd get up each morning and test yourself.  

I'm not saying this really give you much of a plus-up, but it's better than worrying about that sniffle or cough all day.  

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