Saturday, April 17, 2021

Book Story

 In recent days, a new book has arrived in Germany...creating a 'wave' of chatter among politicians and journalists.  

Written by Linke Party member, Sahra Wagenknecht, title: Die Selbst Gerechten (translating to The Self Righteous).  345 pages total, and currently only in German (I'm hopeful of a English translation by summer).

So to talk over Wagenknecht.....she was the Linke Party 'chief' for several years, and continually brought onto chat forums to explain the position of the party.  On debate capability....I'd rate her near a '9'.  

As for what she does with this book?  Well.....she's slamming modern politics in a severe way.

I've read through about twenty reader reviews, with the bulk of them fairly positive.

Her hit on politics?  It's lifestyle left that exists today....not a political left.  People are motivated to be intolerant and self-righteous.  In simple terms, you have squares to fill, and if you can't fill are not part of the agenda group.  

The book likely drawing attention in  an election year?  Probably....but in some ways, it's hurting the brand of the Greens, SPD Party, and even the Linke Party.  

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