Sunday, April 25, 2021

More Ban-Rule Issues

 We are now on day two of the new federal Covid ban-rule system, and it's continuing to draw serious criticism.

This morning, the chief problem talked about is the early morning flight business.  If you had some vacation or business trip required, and the ideal 'leave-time' at the airport is a 6:05 AM flight, and you live in a curfew got problems.

By the way that the curfew law is can't exit the house and drive away until 5 AM.  Well...even if you live within 10 miles of the Frankfurt the time you park the car and tote the bags to the's likely to be almost 6 AM and basically too late for that 6:05 AM flight.  Some even suggest that a 7 AM flight is nearly impossible (because of security and getting from the bag point to the gate).

Just taking a risk and driving out at 4 AM?'s probably a 90-percent chance that you'd make it without the cops intercepting you.  But if you were stopped.....there's this ticket likely to be written and potentially a couple hundred Euro in fines.

The odds of early AM flights just being cancelled?  It's almost ridiculous to suggest this but I'll bet virtually no passengers for early AM flights while the Covid ban-rule deal is in place and curfews are federalized. 

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