Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Repeating a School Year

 There is a discussion going on in Berlin (for the city, not the federal folks)....over the idea that kids will be 'allowed' in some creative repeat all of the past year of school.  All of this....because of Covid and the way that schools ran (with kids mostly staying home).

RBB (public TV for the city) brought up this topic.

What has occurred here is a regulation change....which says you as a parent....if evaluating your kid's performance....feel the kid is not where they should be....would request a 'repeat'.

Issues?  Oh....a number of them.  Starting off....once you request a 'repeat'....there's almost no chance of remaining at the same school for the repeat year.

There was also a tight time schedule involved.....mid-April. 

Overcrowding likely?  Yeah, the journalists kinda hinted that problem would exist as well.

Numbers on applying for this?  No one says much.

The chief problem, I would that kids already got a dose of 'lagging' in the spring of schools shutdown for weeks.  So it's hard to say that you got 100-percent in 2020, as you graduated out of school....onto the next grade. You ended up with a 2nd dose of lagging over the past six months.  

National trend?  No.  Berlin appears to some degree the only ones making this option a possibility.  Cost factor?  Well....if this were a small limited number of kids (say 2k of them) wouldn't be a big deal.  If this were one kid out of every four?  Yeah, it'd be a big deal in terms of cost.  

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