Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Lieg Story

 This got brought up in the news and is worth pondering about.

Over in the Pfalz area of Germany.....there's this village of 375 people....called Lieg.  It's about 25 km SW of Koblenz, and in the middle of nowhere.  There's one road in and one road out (L108).  

There's one single Gasthaus in the village.....where people might quietly mingle and have a beer.....if the Covid-ban-rules allowed it to be open.  

Lieg has this funny reputation.....since day one of the Covid-19 era....there's been ONE single person who had Covid.  That's it.  

That one single person?  Well....that was back in March of 2020.  Since then, nothing. 

How?  It's been discussed but there's no rhyme or reason. You can speculate but that's about all you can do.

The fact that it's in the middle of nowhere?'d go and suggest that probably helped more than anything else.  It's nowhere near a tourist zone or heavily traveled road.

Nearest grocery store?  Nothing in the you'd have to travel to a village at least five km's away....if you were going to buy groceries.  No industry.  No hotels.  No gas station.  

I would imagine if you asked the locals about sharing a beer with an 'outsider'.....he'd probably ask why you'd do such a thing.

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