Wednesday, April 28, 2021

News and German Teens

 I was watching N-TV news today, and they brought up this interesting study done on younger Germans and their 'interest' in the news.

So prepare yourself.....roughly half of all younger Germans say that news is 'uninteresting'.

However, the study pointed out this curious thing....influencers (like off YouTube or Instagram, or Twitter)....are drawing interest to younger Germans who say news is interesting.

So the main quote in this whole story?  There's this German quote of "children lack the tools to fight fake news."

I sat there thinking....probably half of adult society (folks over 21)....probably lack the tools to recognize biased or fake news.  

All of this triggering news media groups to hire up 'influencers' to explain the news to teenagers?  I'd laugh over the suggestion but it wouldn't shock me.  

But is any of this new?  I might go and suggest that news hasn't really been a top ten topic of German teens....ever.  Maybe they got hyped over new bands, or new movies....but frankly....taking some banking story like 'Wirecard' and expecting anyone of the age 15 group to have asking a lot.  

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