Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Second Vaccine Dose Problem?

 I won't go into a lot of hype or discussion over this Focus story.....but they drilled down into an American oddity....some Americans are showing up for vaccination number one, then refusing to get vaccination shot number two.   

The number being thrown around?  Five million Americans, or roughly 8-percent of those who've been vaccinated....who skipped shot two.

So, here's the thing....Germans are noticing the same trend here.....folks aren't showing up for the second vaccination.  

Reason?  Well....there is personal belief that the second shot isn't necessary.  It's not scientific or anything.....just that the belief shot is enough.  I personally would suggest that side-effects (fever, aches, etc) occurred with shot one, and that most people would prefer to skip the effect again.

For the science folks, this is a major deal.  In their are not fully immunized.  You might only be 50-percent protected.....or perhaps 80-percent protected.  

The next question obviously ought to six months, if you realize that 8-million Germans skipped immunization number two, and never got the full impact....what do you say or do?  Make them repeat the whole thing again....with shot one and two?  Or do you just pretend it's not a problem and proceed forward?

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