Thursday, January 15, 2015

Frankfurt Airport Update

The FRAPORT (Frankfurt Airport management) folks did the numbers for 2014, and they ended the year with 59.6 million passengers.  That's a two-and-a-half percent rise over the previous year.  And you have to stir this into the big picture....if the strikes hadn't occurred and the bad snow episodes for a day or two in late December....they probably would have edged it and gone onto sixty million passengers.

When you review airports worldwide....Atlanta and Beijing are the only two with sixty-plus million it puts Frankfurt into a particular category.  It also forces the planners to emphasize the necessity for the third terminal....something that is becoming a hostile topic for political players in Hessen.

According to the HR folks (our regional TV network)....we are within an easy ten-year period where the airport will be tapped out at maximum capacity.  This is now driving the whole discussion over expansion....which is met with frustration of various groups trying to control this situation.

The one topic which gets brought up is the shut-down at night at the sooth the property owners around the airport.  It's a six-hour period with no take-offs or landings.

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