Saturday, January 9, 2016

Things You Shouldn't Talk About

Regional reporting in Germany (via MDR) took up this incident story at another refugee center (eastern side of Germany).

At some point back on Wednesday.....this Syrian guy (young guy around mid-twenties) got into a discussion with a early thirties Eritrean woman.

The topic of discussion?  Religion.

German authorities had commented about eight months ago about how they'd gotten all smart and clever about the different cultural groups, and were having only certain people at center X, and certain people at center help ensure that little natural cultural differences didn't pop up.  At the time, I just sat there....amazed at the Mercedes factory-like mentality that they had clever databases and fantastic minute-by-minute analysts sitting there to send immigrant/refugee X only to a X-camp.  At the time.....I just didn't believe it'd ever work.

So, you can imagine the outcome of this little discussion on religion.  The Eritrea gal defended Christianity.  Course, I don't know if she noted the little Syrian guy was going to hell, or that he was all warped up on his religion, or whatever.  Maybe she was nice about the differences in religion, or fairly tough.  That's the part of the story that the news media left out.....for obvious reasons.  And maybe the cops just didn't ask further questions because they really didn't want to have to write this kind of report and have it forbidden by the chief later as 'too sensitive'.

In the end....the Syrian guy got all disturbed by the conversation on religion, and threaten death upon the infant child of the young Eritrean woman.  The center authorities didn't waste much time, and transported the Syrian out of the facility.

This brings me to the obvious weak point of the immigration strategy.....there are numerous cultures, religions, and behaviors to deal with.  Germans like simplicity.  These camps are bringing in various groups and forcing them....sometimes for the first time in their live with a culture which obviously thinks in a different way.  The Germans have yet to grasp this or figure out the complex nature of this whole multicultural 'camping' experience.  Nor have they grasped that getting into any religious discussion is the last thing on Earth that you want to engage upon.

I'd like to be enthusiastic but I'm just not that naive.

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