Saturday, May 6, 2017

Booze via Amazon

One of the amazing things that I can do while in order via (the German side).  Why so amazing?  Well....I can order beer, wine, and spirits to be delivered to my front door.  Yeah.....booze.

For example, there are 2,691 different beer packages that I can order.  Of this, 1,332 are from micro brewery operations.  One from Argentina can be procured (Quilmes).  Three different beers from Iceland...from the Einstok brewery folks....can be ordered....5.99 Euro a bottle.  1,240 beer labels from Germany can be ordered.

There are 68 versions of Japanese Sake that I can order....ranging from 2 Euro to 100 Euro.

In terms of rum, 1,798 offerings are listed.

For whiskey, over 3,000 offerings are listed.

If you wanted just plain Scottish mountain pure as it can get?  Well, there's Highland Springs listed (6-pack for 12.99 Euro).

All delivered to your front door. in the US?  No....booze is a no-go.

The thing is....with the one-click gimmick that Amazon inserted into their menu screen, if you accidentally click on's done and you just ordered yourself a case of Italian wine for 190-Euro.

How many Germans buy via Amazon, for their beer or booze?  Oh, I doubt if it's one-tenth of one percent.  Lets face it....Amazon can't compete at the price level of most grocery operations, and they have to insert the VAT tax into the product as you buy it....unlike the US where you still avoid local taxes.

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