Saturday, May 27, 2017

Public TV Pay Scale Story

Rarely are salaries at German public TV ever discussed in public.  It's not something that the two main networks or the sub-networks want to be part of any discussion.

Focus came up today and published a story on this.

Oddly, they didn't get it via the normal means.  This story started out in a Christian news type publication....Chrismon.  Chrismon pulls this from an internal public media document, which wasn't widely publicized....for whatever reason one can imagine.

WDR director Tom Buhrow: 399,000 Euro

BR-director Ulrich Wilhelm: 367,000 Euro

NDR director Lutz Marble: 348,000 Euro

SWR Director Peter Boudgoust: 338,000 Euro

HR Director-General Manfred Krupp: 275,000 Euro

MDR director Karola Wille: 275,000 Euro

RBB Director Patricia Schlesinger: 257,000 Euro

Radio-Bremen director-in-chief Jan Metzger: 257,000 Euro

SR-Director Thomas Kleist: 237,000 Euro

Shocking amount?  No.  I would not classify as such.  Some of the chiefs probably are surprised at the level they are paid compared to an associate under NDR or the HR chief looking at a substantial difference in pay compared to his associate in WDR or BR.

Oddly though....this mention covers everyone outside of the ZDF or ARD empire....just NOT ARD or ZDF themselves.  A separate page or document for the big chiefs?  Maybe.

To the question why a Christian news media site published this?  That also is an odd part to the story.  You would think that they wouldn't really deal with stories like this.

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