Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Germans and the Vacation Mess

So as the smoke clears and Germans do get some opening for a summer vacation, there is this little problem....potential quarantine upon return.

For most surrounding states to can go and return, without an issue.

If you travel to Sweden or Turkey?  High risk and you are notified upon return to go and spend two weeks of 'house-quarantine'.  Egypt and Thailand?  Also on this high risk listing. 

Australia and New Zealand?  No problem.

Mounting anger?  Well....a lot of Germans saw Turkey as a great summer place, with fine hot weather, cheap package deals, and generally 'safe'.  But if you said after you get off the plane in have to go and spend another two weeks at home?  No one will volunteer for that type of treatment. It's basically killed the summer tourist season for Turkey.

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