Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Riot Update

There's a little five-line piece off the German news site 'Focus' which I thought was interesting over the Stuttgart riots from the weekend.

The city police set up a special 'portal' for information on the riot 'kids'.  So far.....6,500 photos and video clips have been submitted. 

I would make the assumption that a lot of these are simply duplicates (maybe 75-percent).

It appears that a lot of those involved shot the images and video during the riot, and posted them on social media, with viewers downloading and providing the data now to the police. 

Yeah, pretty stupid, but they wanted some type of 'credit' for their actions.

What happens now?  The police simply say that weeks of review and facial recognition software will be put to the task.  A month or two down the line....we probably will see images of various people 'wanted' by the police, and folks start to identify them.

The sad thing is that whatever you were drinking that night or consuming made you go and do stupid things, and somewhere in August....some friend, neighbor or classmate will look at images being advertised by the police.  That hour of stupidity will turn into days and weeks of legal hassle, and possible sentence in some jail.

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