Monday, June 15, 2020

A Police Story

Ever since 1949, there's been this relationship that has existed between the German states (currently today at 16, since unification).  If one state is in trouble, or needs 'help'....other states would step in and provide assistance.  The system has generally worked.

Well, there's this odd development underway.  N-TV had a discussion about this today.

In respect to law enforcement, if you had a situation develop....let's say a G-7 Conference or some anti-capitalism riot could stand up as your state, and ask neighboring states to provide police.  They'd quickly evaluate your request for 2,000 police, and then approve it.  Then within hours, the 2,000 German police would be bagged and ready to convoy their way to the state in dire need of help.

The state of Berlin (not the federal guys, but the actual state-city itself)....has come up with a new law within their city structure.  This is an anti-discrimination law, and it centers mostly on police.

The law says....while in your protest....if you were interfered with...based on your beliefs (religious), your gender, social status (welfare or such) or racist reasons....they can drag you (the visiting cop from another state) into the court and sue the hell out of you.

So Bavaria (the state) stood up and said.....if you allow this law on discrimination to continue through, and is on the books....we (the state of Bavaria) will NOT provide police support in the future.

My guess is....behind the least two or three other states (Baden-Wurttemberg, Hessen, etc) will stand at a later date, and just say the same basic thing.

The problem here?  Maybe this was done trigger a lack of police showing in future riots in Berlin.  But if you have a massive anti-capitalism right planned (the Antifa thugs), and you needed every single policeman in Berlin, with 8k visiting cops from other probably won't get the other 8k policemen.  Then the question becomes....if the Berlin cops then realize the lack of support....why bother supporting the political apparatus in Berlin, and just let the riot go to maximum capacity/damage.

Is this angle on the discrimination create a massive problem in the future?  I might go and suggest that.  You might have individual states which help each other, and individual states which go to avoid help.  The idea of one nation?  No, Germany is a collection of sixteen states which are bound in some way to a idea of a republic. 

This might be worth watching as things develop. 

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