Monday, June 29, 2020

Picture Story

For several years, there's been this trend going on where news crews (not just public TV but private commercial TV as well) have done film operations and met up with angry Germans who DON'T want to be part of the filmed background.

So this case came up over the weekend in Stuttgart, where a N24 crew were doing a report of the non-riot situation in Stuttgart over this past weekend. 

SWR did a good simple report of the situation.

The crew was downtown, and a journalist was doing his report....when this one German (older guy) walks up from his back (you can see this guy from 40 meters away).  The German guy stops at the crew and informs them....he doesn't want his image in the report. 

An 'attack' is probably not the word to use, but the older German did his best to intimidate the crew and force deletion of the video. 

When he does finally step away....within a short bit...the German police have come to question the guy and his intent.  He explains that he just doesn't want to be used in any video. 

Forty years ago, no German would have said much.  Now?  Various Germans see video crews or private individuals taking pictures or video, and they don't want to be imaged.  Somewhere in the next ten years, I suspect this will be a public issue, and various political groups will be trying to write a law over how you can shoot pictures or images in public. 

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