Friday, June 19, 2020

Talking Over Gang Violence

Earlier in the week, I essayed a piece on a little 'conflict' going on in Dijon, France....between a gang associated with Algerians, who decided to do a beating on a local Chechan kid.  The Chechans?  They reacted, with extreme violence, and the French folks in town were suddenly shocked at the amount of guns brought into the situation. 

Focus (the German news magazine) brought up this item today, and talked to an expert.

This expert brings up three interesting observations:

1.  The Chechans were fully grasping the dynamics here, and immediately wanted to set a landscape up....they were not to be intimidated with or to be treated as a lesser party.

2.  Among Chechans, there is a matter of honor, and respect.  If you screw with us.....we don't come back to the table in fear of you. 

3.  There's little doubt that Chechans from Germany crossed the border and were part of the assembled group in Dijon, France. 

The Germans basically admit that around 50k Chechans reside in Germany.  They exist in major urbanized Frankfurt or Berlin.

So at the end of this discussion in Focus.....the question comes it possible that little 'wars' may erupt in Germany, where some gang has tried to intimidate a Chechan group, and the Chechans react as they did in Dijon?  The belief is yes.....they will.

Folks can laugh about this, but that's the same laugh that folks in Dijon had, and then over the past week....they now realize that the police weren't prepared for this type of conflict or warfare.  Same can be said for the Algerian gang.....they weren't prepared for this type of response. 

It's a curious situation developing. 

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