Sunday, June 28, 2020

Red-Pill Chatter

Someone brought this up today....with the novel 'Alice in Wonderland' written by Lewis Carroll in 1865. 

Back in 2010....I sat in a theater and watched the movie version of it (Johnny Depp). 

So at some point in the story, it's suggested that if you take the 'red-pill' will see clearly and notice things that you didn't see before.

Then they pipe up and talk about the 'blue-pill'....which is for those who want to keep themselves unfocused....accepting jitters, unease, and distress as being acceptable or the norm. 

I remember this little talk and kinda wondered if it was meant as an amusement piece or political chat moment. 

This was written in 1865, and probably meant to be a introduction for a child that some point will arrive where you either see clearly, or you continue to exist in a pretend world.  I have my doubts that Lewis Carroll meant this as a Orwell-type situation (like in the book 1984). 

The thing is....a lot of the 2010 movie stands out, and this red-pill and blue-pill thing makes journalists and intellectual pause and reflect. 

The odds that a red-red-pill may exist?  That you might see a sudden burst of reality, and gaze past it....for a double effect?  Or that a blue-blue-pill might exist, where your unease was continually reassured, even in the roughest of times?  Or is all this pill discussion just worthless talk you'd conduct with a triple-shot of cognac? 

I've noticed at least two German journalists talking about the 1865 book today, and this red-pill, blue-pill issue.  Maybe it's worth a discussion.  Maybe a thousand German intellectuals will pop into a book store buy Alice in Wonderland, and re-read it again (40 years after the first reading). 


HansAusWiesbaden said...

Hmmm.... Where in Carroll's writings do you see a reference to "red pills"?

Are you confusing things with "The Matrix"?

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I'm probably thinking of four different movies....someone reminded me of the 1990 movie 'Recall' where red pills and blue pills got brought up. Another person brought up the 'Secret Life of Walter Mitty'....where red and blue cars was used to discuss the reality part of life.

This red-blue discussion hasn't been attempted much in German 'chatter'. They usually don't have a burst of change to occur and admit they see things in a totally different way than before.

HansAusWiesbaden said...

Eine gute Erklärung liegt hier - und teilweise hier -