Wednesday, June 24, 2020

NRW and the Coronavirus

Lot of 'chatter' today, if you look across the German news groups.

Focus carried two curious pieces, and N-TV had one update on Gutersloh (the town chiefly affected).

First, the Tonnies company (meat-processing) wrapped up all their testing of employees.  6,139 employees tested and 1,431 employees tested positive.  They also note....people around this group (probably meaning family members) also tested positive (353).

The journalists kinda point out that a second meat-plant in Lower Saxony is conducting bulk testing, and they expect a fair number of folks to be positive from there.

One might go and predict that meat-processing across the country will all start bulk-testing and come to announce more issues.  Not to suggest a meat shortage coming up, but if you shut down half the plants in Germany for 30's just going to be your local butcher in your village or town is going to have an adequate amount of meat around, and Germans will freak out buying tons of extra they did with toilet paper.

Second, Focus did cover a Chinese related item on Corona.  They apparently tested a number of factors and basically said that 'certificates' (something that the German government has discussed a good bit....are USELESS.

Their take (Chinese research)....once you wrap up a virus episode with Corona.....your immunity is only guaranteed for roughly 90 days.

The RKI folks had pointed out from previous episodes (Mers, Sars)....that you had a general immunity of three years.

Now, this is only the Chinese medical folks saying this, and one might wait for RKI to complete their tests.

If all of this were proven and signed off....then the certificate idea (allowing you to travel internationally) is worthless.

The N-TV piece?  Well, the crisis director of the town affected (Gutersloh)....collapsed late yesterday.  Complete exhaustion.

For roughly nine years, this guy has been the crisis 'lead' in the region.  A lot of pressure and stress with this task. 

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