Monday, June 29, 2020

This Polish Election Chatter

If you watch German news over the past two days.....things have been hyped up about the Polish Presidential election, and the German media push is for the Civil Platform Party to win.....thus kicking out the 'lousy' right-wing folks in the Law and Justice Party. 

It's been somewhat comical last night as the ZDF news team (Channel Two, German public TV) tried to explain everything and give a good spin on the Civil Platform Party fixing this right-wing business. 

So, lets get to facts.  In Poland, if you get 50-plus percent of the vote, you avoid a run-off.  If no one gets 50-plus percent, then you get into a two-candidate fight. 

How many parties were in the weekend election?   Eleven.  The top winner?  The Law and Justice Party (right-wing) got 43.6-percent of the vote.  The second place group.....the Civil Platform Party (left-of-center) 30.3-percent of the vote.  So these two will run against each other.

How this appears?  The 4th and 5th place parties are right-of-center and probably would go and support the Law and Justice Party.  But you need all of those voters (1.75-million) to show up again, and vote this way.  The 3rd place winner?  The Independent Party might show up and go for the Civil Platform Party....but that only means 2.66-million voters. 

From the remaining adds up to around 3-percent of the vote.

So the right-wing guys winning here?  Fairly good odds, as long as people show up a second time, and that's the biggest concern. 

Angering the journalists at ZDF once again?  Well....they have to go and explain why so many Poles just aren't that hyped-up with the left-of-center message or politics. 

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